OIM - ONU Migration - Report : Fatal Journeys Volume 4 : Missing Migrant Children

Source : OIM

Date : June 28th, 2019

Description :

«  Fatal Journeys Volume 4 focuses on a special theme – missing migrant children – given the growing number of children embarking on journeys that are dangerous and often fatal. Since 2014, IOM has documented more than 32,000 deaths and disappearances during the migration journey worldwide, although the true number of migrant fatalities is unknown, as many deaths go unrecorded. Data on deaths and disappearances of missing migrant children tend to be even more limited. According to IOM’s Missing Migrants Project, nearly 1,600 children have been reported dead or missing since 2014.

This report discusses why it is often difficult to find data on missing migrants disaggregated by age. It explores what measures could be taken to improve data on missing migrant children, to help improve policy options and to prevent these tragedies from occurring. The report is a contribution to the joint efforts of UNICEF, UNHCR, IOM, Eurostat and OECD to improve data on migrant and refugee children. Without better data on missing migrants, any policy understanding of children’s migration journeys and the risks and vulnerabilities they face will remain incomplete. »

Summary :


List of figures and text boxes

Executive summary

by Julia Black

Chapter 1 :
Missing Migrants Project data : A global overview
by Marta Sánchez Dionis and Kate Dearden

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Missing Migrants Project : Definitions, data sources and regional approaches
1.3. Child migrants
1.4. Overview of migrant deaths recorded in 2018
1.5. Update : MMP data in the first quarter of 2019
1.6. Conclusion

Chapter 2 :
Vulnerabilities of migrant and forcibly displaced children
by Claus Bech Hansen, Jan Beise and Danzhen You

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Risks and vulnerability of migrant and forcibly displaced children
2.3. Counting uprooted and invisible children
2.4. Conclusion and recommendations

Chapter 3 :
Legal obligations of States with regard to child migrant deaths and disappearances
by Jacqueline Bhabha

3.1. Introduction : General obligations of States to protect children on the move
3.2. Obligations of States regarding child migrant deaths and disappearances
3.3. Objective 8 of Global Compact for Migration : Save lives and establish coordinated international efforts on missing migrants
3.4. Conclusion : Summarizing findings and recommendations

Chapter 4 :
Ethical considerations surrounding research on missing migrant children
by Samuel Okyere

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Children’s migration : Challenges and risks
4.3. The ethics of research on missing child migrants
4.4. Conclusion and recommendations

Chapter 5 :
Conclusion : Taking stock of a complex issue – the next steps
by Ann Singleton

5.1. What is known
5.2. What needs to be done and how to do it
5.3. The way forward

Annex 1 :
The Mytilini Declaration for the Dignified Treatment of all Missing and Deceased Persons and their Families

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