UNHCR, UNICEF, OIM - « Access to education for refugee and migrant children in Europe »

Date : 11 septembre 2019

Sommaire :

« I. School-age refugee and migrant children in Europe

II. Access to education for refugee and migrant children

III. Challenges and gaps

IV. Refugee and migrant children learning

V. Helping refugee and migrant children access education and learn


  • 1. Ensure national legislation guarantees full and equal access for all children to inclusive and quality education in the formal education system, including access to catch-up programmes and accelerated learning opportunities, regardless of their asylum or migration status.
  • 2. Provide targeted support through additional funds, programmes, guidance and capacity-building to schools, administrators and teachers to ensure accessible, quality and inclusive education for refugee, asylum-seeking and migrant children33.
  • 3. Foster an inclusive school climate, which promotes student well-being and belonging and protects against instances of discrimination, bullying and exclusion of refugee and migrant children, through dedicated resources.
  • 4. Because the risk factors for early school leaving are multifaceted, strengthen the linkages between schools and other critical public services (health, child protection, social protection, parental labour market support, etc.) to ensure that barriers to school enrolment and factors contributing to early leaving are addressed.
  • 5. Ensure increased access to early childhood education services for young refugee and migrant children within the host community, and promote integration of refugee and migrant young people into upper secondary education including vocational education and training schemes in line with Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and of the EC Action Plan (2016).
  • 6. Develop standard harmonized internationally accepted definitions or classifications to allow for informed policy development and resource allocation through the compilation and analysis of data on refugee, asylum-seeking and migrant children in existing education management information systems and international education databases.
  • 7. Allocate adequate resources at sub-national, national and regional/ international level to ensure higher frequency and quality of relevant internationally-comparable data and statistics on refugee and migrant children’s access to services, including education, through existing databases, e.g. Eurostat. This will allow for effective monitoring and timely decision-making. »

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