Report of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) - « Children in migration in 2019 »

Source : European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Date : 30 march 2020

Presentation :

« Children in migration are more vulnerable than adults, particularly when they are unaccompanied. Their vulnerability makes them more exposed to violence, exploitation and trafficking in human beings, as well as physical, psychological and sexual abuse. This report looks into challenges to the fundamental rights of children in migration throughout 2019. It pulls together the main issues identified in FRA’s Quarterly Bulletins on migration in selected EU Member States. »

Summary :


1. Reaching and entering the EU

  • Fatalities at sea and land borders
  • Search-and-rescue operations
  • Risk of refoulement and border violence

2. Arrival and stay in the EU

  • Reception
  • Insufficient reception capacity
  • Poor reception conditions
  • Challenges when turning 18
  • Sexual and labour exploitation
  • Age assessment
  • Guardianship systems for unaccompanied children

3. Detention and return

  • Detention of children
  • Detention of children on the rise
  • Detention conditions
  • Return of unaccompanied children


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