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Children on the move - Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

Avril 2013

Publié le lundi 22 avril 2013 , mis à jour le mercredi 20 août 2014

"Enfants en transit"

Description :

Millions of children are on the move, both within and between countries, with or without their parents. The conditions under which movement takes place are often treacherous, putting migrant children, especially unaccompanied and separated children, at an increased risk of economic or sexual exploitation, abuse, neglect and violence. Policy responses to protect and support these migrant children are often fragmented and inconsistent and while children on the move have become a recognised part of today’s global and mixed migration flows they are still largely invisible in debates on both child protection and migration.

This publication targets policymakers and practitioners in the field of migration and child protection, along with academics and activists, and sheds light on the situation of migrant children.

The publication is the result of a collective effort by a number of specialists from different organizations, was edited by Mike Dottridge (an independent child rights specialist) and includes a foreword by Professor François Crépeau (United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants).

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Rapport OIM 2013 Children on the move