Report of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) - « EU AsylumTrends 2019 : Asylum applications in the EU+ up by 13% last year »

Source : European Asylum Support Office (EASO)

Date : February 26th, 2020

Extracts :

« - In 2019, there were some 714 200 applications for international protection, up by 13 % compared to 2018. This is the first year-on-year increase since 2015

  • There were five times as many applications for asylum than detections at the external border. Hence, applications are becoming less associated with irregular migration
  • 10% of all applications were repeat applications in the same country – this rises to a third of all applications for some citizenships
  • The overall EU+ recognition rate remained stable at 33 %
  • Syrians, Afghans and Venezuelans lodged a quarter of all applications
  • Afghans lodged a third more applications compared to 2018, but received fewer decisions with recognition rates varying widely between issuing countries
  • Several Latin-American citizenships also lodged far more applications than in 2018
  • A quarter of all applications were lodged by applicants who can enter the Schengen area visa-free
  • Applicants from visa-liberalised countries (VLC) tended to have low recognition rates, except for nationals of El Salvador (37 %)
  • Applicants from Venezuela had a low recognition rate (*) but are currently issued with humanitarian protection by some countries. Despite increased applications, EU+ countries issued fewer first-instance decisions compared to 2018
  • Syrians (85 %), Yemenis (82 %) and Eritreans (81 %) had the highest recognition rates, whereas North Macedonians and Moldovans had the lowest (1 %)
  • Towards the end of 2019 there were more than 900 000 cases pending at all instances in the EU+
  • At the end of the year, some 540 559 cases were pending at first instance, up by 20 % from a year earlier, and the most since July 2017


About 3 % of all applications in 2019 concerned self-claimed unaccompanied minors (UAMs). Concentration of UAMs was higher, though, among Vietnamese (14 %), afghans (9 %) and Eritreans (8 %). Fewer unaccompanied minors from the Gambia sought asylum in the EU+ in 2019 than in the previous two years.  »


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